Connecting rods are often forgotten about in the engine rebuilding process, yet are one of the most critical and hardworking components in an engine. Regardless if you are rebuilding in frame or doing a completed out of chassis rebuild ensuring a connecting rod meets all the reusability guidelines set by manufacture is vital to ensure engine in service longevity.
Once all checks have been completed and the rod meets all O.E.M reusability guidelines it can then be re-bushed and resized as required. Small end bushes are fitted as per the manufacturer’s instructions and pin bored to exacting tolerances. Big end tunnels are polished or closed and honed to ensure 100% bearing shell contact.

Connecting Rod Reconditioning process
Connecting Rods are firstly dismantled, chemically clean and then visually inspected for serviceability. Non-destructive magnetic particle crack testing is carried out on all rods and caps. Close inspection of the overall condition of the rod and the rod cap and mating faces is carried out. Additional checks include checking the rod for bend and twist and comparative length against its partnered set.
The connecting rod is then reassembled, bolts are tensioned so that all critical measurements can be taken and recorded and compared to the OEM Specifications. Connecting rod tunnel resizing can be carried out were the rods does not fall within the manufacturers tolerances for reuse. Small end bushes are replaced as per the manufacturer’s guidelines; this may include press fitting and broaching, induction heating or liquid nitrogen cooling of the bush. The small end bush is then pin bored to ensure the correct clearance between the bush and gudgeon pin is achieved.

Quality and efficiency guaranteed
We’re committed to giving our customers a high standard of service, so at HM GEM Engines, we work efficiently to ensure the best results in the shortest amount of time. Using state-of-the-art equipment, our expert team delivers a cost-effective service, with all components machined to meet OEM guidelines.
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